Now begins the endgame. We have captured most of the Pfhor ship, and most of the alien's are retreating for their last stand. We have recieved unexpected help from the S'pht. A small craft tracktored itself to the Pfhor ship and roughly three dozen Compilers attacked. They have contacted myself and Duncan, and we are negotiating peace. With their help, the Pfhor are now caught between the hammer and the anvil. To further demoralize our enemy, we have decided to assassinate the Pfhor SlaveMaster. Since you have proven your ability in battle as being very resourceful, Captain Briggs has assigned the task to you. I hate to say it, but this will be difficult. The Pfhor will most lickely mass every available 'person' to defend their leader. I will teleport you directly into the heart of the Slavemasters stronghold.
Unfortunatly, that annoying magnetic field is distorting our sensors. The teleport beam may take you slightly off course, but I do not forsee this being a problem.
We have captured a number of strange weapons being used by the Pfhor. A small detatchment of troops will acompany you, armed with a selection of these. Be careful, though, because the Pfhor will stop at nothing to deter your advance. Be on the lookout for some very dangerous enemies.